

SMI medverkar på Stockholm Summit 2022 World Academic Forum

Den 18 maj på SMI presenterar vi en programpunkt under namnet Teaching music with digital presence – creating availability and inclusion.

“The need for cultural expression and exchange is universal, yet the access to cultural arenas and the opportunities to take part and collaborate are not equally, universally accessible. Geographical location and physical distance are obvious limitations that inhibit this equal access.

What if we could create a feeling of equal presence and participation with digital technology over larger distances?

University College of Music Education in Stockholm / Stockholms Musikpedagogiska Institut (SMI) presents a Nordic collaborative project in which digital technology guarantees musicians and performers the possibility to perform, rehearse, teach and practice in their artistry with colleagues in other venues across great distances, without experiencing latency. The solution is dependable and reliable and allows transferal of great amount of digital information, with high quality sound and picture and without noticeable delay in time. The result? ”It feels like you’re in the same room, together!”.

Teaching music with digital presence

– Creating availability and inclusion

18 maj kl. 13:00 – 15:00
Konsertsalen, Stockholms Musikpedagogiska Institut (SMI)


This event will be online like a webinar where participants are muted and without their own camera. To interact in the event you need to use the chat. Be aware of the time zone.

Zoom link: https://smi-se.zoom.us/j/89161280491

Läs mer här om detta evenemang och anmäl dig om du vill komma!

World Academic Forum

World Academic Forum är ett tvärvetenskapligt forum som kopplar samman akademiker från hela världen för att utforska vår tids utmaningar. World Academic Forum är grundat och drivs av Stockholms Akademiska Forum, Stockholms stad och dess 18 universitet och högskolor.

Detta år arrangerar World Academic Forum ”Summit 2022” 17–20 maj.

Läs mer på World Academic Forums webbsida


Senast upppdaterad: 2024-03-13